Umhlanga Ridgeside, Umhlanga, KwaZulu-Natal ID 1152958
Discover the ultimate in luxury living at Skye Luxury Apartments, where modern sophistication meets the scenic beauty of uMhlanga Ridgeside. Set in a quiet, private cul-de-sac, these apartments offer more than just a home – they provide a lifestyle. Unmatched Elegance and Comfort This apartment is designed with meticulous attention to detail, boasting bespoke finishes and expansive private balconies with panoramic sea and city views. Residents enjoy drive-up access right to their front door, ensuring convenience at every step. With direct access to Skye Hotel and an Islamic prayer facility on site, every amenity is thoughtfully catered to your needs. Seamless Luxury Living With 24-hour security, key card access, and zero transfer duty, Skye Apartments offers not only luxury but peace of mind and financial ease. Ready for immediate occupation, this is where the vibrancy of city life and the tranquility of coastal living meet. Experience Skye – the pinnacle of uMhlanga living.
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