 Bedroom Property for Sale in Marquard Free State
 Bedroom Property for Sale in Marquard Free State
 Bedroom Property for Sale in Marquard Free State
R 85 000

Property features

  • R 85 000
  •  Bedrooms
  •  Bathrooms
  •  Living Room/s
  • Garage for   car/s
  • Rates 

Property Details

This stand could be used for: Residential Development: The stand could be utilized for residential purposes, such as building a single-family home or multiple units like townhouses or apartments. Its location in a quiet area makes it ideal for those seeking a peaceful living environment away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Vacation Rental Property: Marquard's tranquil surroundings make it an attractive destination for tourists seeking a retreat from urban life. The stand could be developed into a vacation rental property, offering visitors a serene and secluded accommodation option while exploring the area's natural beauty and attractions. Community Garden or Park: The stand could be transformed into a community garden or park, providing residents with a green space for relaxation, recreation, and social activities. This would enhance the quality of life in the neighborhood and promote community engagement. Small-scale Farming or Horticulture: The stand's size allows for the cultivation of crops, fruits, or vegetables on a small scale. It could be utilized as a hobby farm or horticultural project, providing residents with fresh produce and contributing to food security in the area. Workspace or Studio: The stand could be repurposed as a workspace or studio for creative endeavours such as art, crafts, or small-scale manufacturing. This would offer opportunities for local artisans and entrepreneurs to pursue their passions and contribute to the cultural vibrancy of Marquard. Commercial Venture: Depending on local zoning regulations, the stand could be developed for commercial purposes such as a boutique shop, café, or professional office space. It's quiet location may appeal to businesses looking for a peaceful setting to operate in. Outdoor Recreation Area: The stand could be developed into an outdoor recreation area with amenities such as walking trails, picnic spots, and playgrounds. This would provide residents with opportunities for outdoor exercise, relaxation, and socialization. Overall, the 749-square-meter stand in Marquard offers a blank canvas for various possibilities, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of residents and visitors alike. Its location in a quiet area enhances its appeal for a wide range of potential uses and developments.

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