Keidebees, Upington, Northern Cape ID 770919
With this property you can either buy a 3-bedroom house and get an 8-room guesthouse with it or you can buy an 8-room guesthouse and get a 3-bedroom house with it. Either way, you will be able to be financial independent with this income generating well-established guesthouse on the same premises. What makes this business worth your while are the beautiful views of the farmlands near the mighty Orange river. No one will be able to block your view because of the slope on which the guesthouse and the other buildings were build. The suburb in which this guesthouse is situated is the preferred area for panoramic views, beautiful architectural designed homes, and quiet living conditions. Your guests will arrive at a unique venue, and they will leave with a much more relaxed mindset due to the fantastic location. If you do not want to stay on the premises, then you will have an additional family home with 3-bedrooms and 2-bathrooms as well as a 1-bedroom flat available for either long term tenants or you can incorporate it with the current guesthouse. Thus, increasing your turnover to the maximum. Upington is quite far away from Gauteng and the Western Cape, but it is an excellent town with everything you need to live in as well as raising your kids and a beautiful place to retire or running a business. This property offers true potential to live a good life with everything in place including a well-established customer base! Give Bernard or Louise Visser a call today at either 083 421 3318 or 082 680 4507 to discuss your future.
Mikaya Real Estate
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