North End / Braleyn / East London CBD Wa...
East London, Eastern Cape
MUST BE SOLD! ALL OFFERS WILL BE PRESENTED & NEGOTIATED! Large well constructed warehouse, perfectl...
Settlers Way Retail / Warehouse - High P...
High profile corner site at robots on Settlers Way (R72) with dual income rental and advertising boa...
Farm for For Sale in East London, East L...
There are so many possibilities that lie in wait with this property. Ikhwezi Lokusa Organic Lifesty...
Building for For Sale in East London, Ea...
Are you an investor looking for a high-yield property in the heart of East London Central? Look no f...
Upmarket 4-Star Guest House in Beacon Ba...
Located conveniently close to the N2 highway and just 16 km from East London Airport, this elegant g...
Arcadia Warehouse / Retail Corner Site
High profile corner property, perfect for retail / light industry / body shop. Rollup entry into wa...
Arcadia Light-Industry / Warehouse
Perfect location in Paterson Street. Property has a secure yard with shared driveway. Rollup door ac...
30 bedrooms 14.00 bathrooms Apartment Bl...
Accredited 58 Student Accommodation fetching R184 324.00 per month!!! Nestled in a prime location...
Quinera / Gonubie Development Land.
16,899 hectares of flat level land, perfect for the investor / developer. The land comprises 4 porti...
Commercial property with 4 offices, 4 wo...
This property is located in a high activity area and accessible from main arterial roads in East Lon...